
Complex Simplicities

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Comments (9)
  1. Chibuike says:

    Lovely work lizzy.Kip it up……choices huh? It rili cud b dat simple

    1. Thank you Chibuike! And yes, it really could be that simple 🙂

  2. Was actually looking forward to this, Nice one lizzy…kip it up.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Nice,your write ups shows simplicity.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Never knew I would say this but you just hit the nail on the head.. Thanks Beth..

    1. Thankyou! Your comment is highly appreciated
      God bless you ❤️

  5. Thank you Elizabeth, this is very true! You are an encourager! The LORD will use you to help others to achieve their Divine purpose for their lives.
    Keep it up and take your generation to their Promise Land. Be the Mose & Joshua!
    Remain blessed in JESUS Mighty name.

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