I wrote a poem last week and I thought I’d share it with you guys, enjoy!
To the stranger today who was a brother yesterday,
I hope you’re well, hope you’re comfortable,
I heard your laughter yesterday; today I’m cursed with your silence,
Which of my numerous sins gave you bid to flee?
Is it because of him and what he said,
Is it because of her and what she meant,
If you won’t answer that, just answer me this,
Are you happier without me than you were with me.
To the stranger today who was a brother yesterday,
I’m no stranger to bleeding, in fact they call me rouge,
But et tu Brute? This was right at my heart,
I thought something separated you from the rest,
Your coarse confidence and your quiet rebellion,
How come you left like the rest of them,
I guess there’s a little boy in there that cries to belong,
Maybe you followed him the moment you had the opportunity.
To my brother from yesterday on the road to somewhere,
I wish you what you wish for yourself,
I know I chased you away, I just don’t know how,
What I will never be is waiting for you,
The paper doll you left I will burn
And out of it, a larva will form
And burst into ten million fireflies,
May you be there to see me fly.