Having attended both types of schooling institutions, I believe I have every right to make comparisons and draw conclusions, at least based on my personal experiences. Now this may not be as fair, as my day school was in London and my boarding school was in Nigeria, but all’s fair in love and war they say? Haha.
Day School Pros:
You get to go home lol. But really this is the ultimate thing about it, if you have an issue at school, argument or whatever, you get to escape the situation and deal with it in the privacy of your own home. You don’t have to worry about the same person coming to your room to confront you at 1am lol.
You get to see your family everyday. This is also beautiful, you get to grow up with your family, you have a proper relationship with them that isn’t strained by long distance and you don’t have to miss family functions.
Disjointed gist: Sometimes it’s right after you’ve gone home after school that a fight ensues, or something cool happens, or it’s the day you don’t come to school that there’s a special assembly with celebrity guests lol. This thing can be so annoying because it’s like everyone but you was there so no one will want to repeat the story but they’d rather discuss the happenings so you find yourself trying to piece together the gist haha.
Weaker friendships: This is in direct comparison to friendships built in a boarding school, there’s just something about a friendship where you literally do everything together, where the other person knows your favourite food or drink from experience and not just by word-of-mouth.
Boarding School Pros:
Basically the opposite of Day school cons to be honest. But an important additional pro would have to be the development of a somewhat rigid routine. You learn to make a personal schedule and you become accustomed to a fixed routine. These skills stick with you for a long while too and come in handy when you live alone.
Another pro would have to be resource management, when at home you may not have to manage your provisions, but it’s a vital skill! Conflict management is also something you learn alongside education as you can’t just run away from your problems or even just get a breather by going home, you learn to fight your battles head on – or allow them to crush you.
Missing family functions and just missing your family generally, they don’t get to play a strong role in your personality development as you spend most of your teenage years away from home, so you become more of a product of your environment than your home.
My advice? Be like me and get the best of both worlds haha.
Till next time,
ETP xo