A while back, I wrote a post on “Being a Deeper Life Girl in the 21st Century” and it was generally me speaking out about my life experiences since changing my appearance (which was before I joined DLBC, but that’s a story for a later date).
I had no idea that it would get half as much attention as it did, and whilst I enjoyed the encouraging comments, I got a whole lot of not so nice comments from absolute strangers, which I found to be such an odd experience.
Whilst I was being quite shellshocked about the whole thing, which made me alter my privacy settings on particular social media sites to protect myself from more hurtful words, I realized that this is the sort of thing that makes people wary of members of Deeper Life. This brash, impolite mannerism that many members believe can be excused as “holy anger” is why many people today don’t want to associate with members of the church; so how do we plan on getting the Gospel to these people if our attitudes stand as a barricade between us and them?
I planned not to ever write about anything related to the church because of what I experienced back then, but when I noticed that the feelings were still there when the topic came up a few days ago, it meant to me that it’s something that I should address.
This message goes out to all Christians, not just from Deeper Life – learn to apply Colossians 4:6 in your daily lives – “Let your conversations be full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.”
Always being on the offensive and ready to cast judgement is not the best way to live in my humble opinion. Our Lord Jesus did say “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her”. Was the woman he was defending in the wrong – absolutely yes! Did our LORD decide to castigate her publicly alongside the elders? NO. Instead He spoke to her with love, privately.
Know when and where to use stern words if the need arises – oh and a bit of advice – strangers on Facebook aren’t likely to make life changes based on your judgmental paragraphs in their comments section – last last they’ll delete your comment 🙂
Okay that’s my two pence and a sip of tea!
Lots of love,
ETP xo