Hey everyone! Whenever I travel for Medical Conferences I feel the need to tell you all about the experiences – so here’s the latest!

Wednesday 20th – Sunday 24th April 2016 saw Babcock University’s Association of Medical Students (BUAMS) host the very first Nigerian Medical Student’s Association (NiMSA) South West regional convention – and it was certainly one to remember!
The arrival of delegates from the 13 medical schools across the South Western region of Nigeria began on Wedneday evening and they were accommodated in the comfortable student halls on the Babcock Campus.

Activities properly kicked off on Thursday morning after breakfast with a session of SCOPH Training (Standing Committee On Public Health) followed by the Dr Aramide Kolawole debate which. Won graciously, then the day cooled off with a splendid pool party at the Babcock Guest House.
Friday morning burst into action with a grand public lecture by the Vice Chancellor of Babcock University himself, which truly depicts how highly the school management thinks of the medical students, a fantastic testament to their positive impact on campus. Shortly afterwards there was a highly interactive Ipas training on Sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR).

In all this I must take a minute to discuss the food – the food portions in Babcock University are enormous! Their students are very well fed despite the misconception that living on a vegetarian diet would lead to malnourished appearances – I can report to you all that that is not the case in Babcock University at all!

Saturday was a chill day in that we went for their church service (Babcock is a Seventh Day Adventist School, hence church device is held on Saturdays) then we toured the school and hospital compounds – beautiful structures I tell you!
We had an elegant dinner hosted by the ever effervescent Sandra Gboneme, Association of Medical Students of University of Lagos (AMSUL) Social Director and of course – lots of food!

Babcock was an amazing experience which I’d love to enjoy over and over again, thank you to the amazing people that put it together – the Regional Coordinator Excellence Matthews and his team of executives, the uber cheerful Local Organizing Committee and all the delegates from the Medical Schools of the SW, you were all awesome! Till we meet again,