
Babcock University Held the 1st NiMSA South West Convention of 2016

Next ArticleLetter to Bae
Comments (15)
  1. beautiful report, but my view is slightly different. However I had a beautiful time at Babcock and will be sharing my own experience on soon!

    Great job Elizabeth peters!!

    1. admin says:

      Can’t wait to read yours! Thank you sweetie !!

  2. Fiona says:

    You go girl!!!! I miss you all already, coupled with the fact that your school came late again. We had short time together but it was worth it. And then again I got an Elizabeth Peters sweat shirt as a gift from lizzy. That meant everything to me tbh!!! Hope to see you at the health week. ❤❤❤❤❤

    1. admin says:

      Awww baby girl I’m glad you like it! It was short but most definitely sweet! Can’t wait till we meet again ❤️❤️❤️

  3. Excellence says:

    A very beautiful post I’d say. Thank you Lizzy.

    1. admin says:

      Anytime Excellence, it was a beautiful convention you out together

  4. Drhayzed says:

    Concise and precise… You have done a great job. It was an experience.

  5. Adeoluwa says:

    Well done ,Lizzy ,this is beautiful ……

    1. admin says:

      Thank you so very much ☺️☺️

  6. MBAH says:

    Comment: It would be an understatement if I say that Babcock medical students treated each of us as kings and Queens while at their school. Drs. Margaret, Fiona, Julian, MJ, Nwachukwu, Udeme, Somto and many others did a powerful job. God bless you all as we look forward to UI health week. Elizabeth you did a powerful job as a medico-journalist.

    1. admin says:

      Thank you very much Dr. Mbah! This is a very kind comment you have made, I’m very grateful

    1. admin says:

      Thank you darling :*

  7. Ifechukwu Jude says:

    Admin. More ink to your pen. Anything on UNILORIN and the 2nd NiMSA Convention(Southwest region) ?

    1. admin says:

      Thank you very much! I’d see what I can do about that 🙂

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