Have you ever felt so overwhelmed by love? Like you have to actually actively take out time to really appreciate the feeling you are going through, to digest the moment to its very last nutrient, to properly assimilate the absolute bliss you are experiencing?
If you don’t already do this, I advise you start now – it’s imperative that you soak up every moment of bliss you get, it helps when weathering the storms of life and pushes you on when your life’s engine oil threatens to fail on you.
Of recent, I have received a whole lot of support; invitations to write for other blogs and magazines and even to give speeches! I am grateful to God Almighty for all these opportunities first and foremost, but also I must adequately thank my family, friends and readers – because you all make this blog what it is and encourage me to write something each week no matter how strenuous my week here in medical school is.
Of recent, it was brought to my knowledge that I have been nominated for a Campus Heat Award as the “Most Innovative Student”! Though I’m finding out almost three weeks since the commencement of voting, I believe we can still make a win happen!
All you have to do is go to:
And fill in the form as shown below:
You can vote as many times as you want so please try to vote multiple times – we have till May 6 to pull this one in for ETPBlog – let’s do this!!