I like to take pride in my high threshold for annoyance, I really do. It makes me feel like a very cool, calm and collected person. Over Christmas last year I caught a man trying to pickpocket me in the rush of the queue for Shoprite bread. (if you know you know) Surprisingly, once I had affirmed that all my belongings were intact, all I did was give him a stern look, collected my bread and left the scene. When re-telling this story my friends happily detailed what they would have done in such a circumstance – none were half as calm as my response lol.
So for someone to single-handedly annoy me, ah, it is a great feat which I do not commend. One thing that really, really frustrates me is when people misconstrue their value in my life and demand privileges “above their pay grade” as the Americans say. I may not be Michelle Obama but I believe I have a right to self importance, no matter how minute it is. So if you don’t make the upper part of my priority list I think that is my decision and not yours. Who are you to decide your position in my life?
Please and please, respect yourself, when your value in a person’s life appreciates, you will know. Till then, let “patience is a virtue” be your mantra.