
Anniversary Giveaway!

Next ArticleGreener Pastures.
Comments (10)
  1. Over time going through your posts I have discovered the Serenity to your words and I salute your efforts.
    Stay blessed.

  2. Your blog is rich Elizabeth Peters, For a young lady, you have succeeded in capturing the hearts of people by the things you write on here, Reading through your blog, one can see that it's been a rough year for you but you have managed to remain strong, never giving up, that's a rare one, I mean you basically cover every aspect of life, your blog is so relatable, i mean I can easily deduce the kind of person you are ,i don't think it needs addition except more features which I see you have done a bit of that, you have a brilliant mind and the best thing about this blog is the realness, you read the content and you can easily relate, it's almost perfect.. I admire you a lot really and I am always watching this space, Sky is just the stepping stone young lady. Congratulations on your one year anniversary, many great things to follow.. God bless you

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment – I've chosen you as a winner! Pls inbox me your details ASAP to:

  3. Samuel Davis says:

    Actually, this is one of the best blogs around nd its nt like m washing..reason is; the posts r usually summarized nd 'stuffy'..2ndly they dnt bore u out.
    There is actually nothin I would like to b added to the blog cuz that would make u deviate from 'modesty' which is the mantra. God has given you a sound mind and this blog is just a starting point for greater things ahead. All I would ask of is 4 u to remain consistent. Stay classy!

  4. Sam Ludas says:

    I really do not have much to say and ain't posting this comment mainly because of the prize but to appreciate her and encourage people to always get something doing aside school and books everytime.
    Though i don't know Elizabeth that much but I'm proud to be one of those that have communicated with her even though we haven't met before. Creating a blog might be easy but maintaining and running it isn't an easy task cos I know what it takes to be a blogger(I'm also one) but nevertheless she squeeze out time out of her busy schedule to see that its up to standard.
    This blog has been one of my favorite blog right from the time i came across it cos of its uniqueness and concept. Keep doing your thing and making we bloggers proud.
    Wish all the best and hope to partnering with you soon.
    Happy Anniversary

  5. Femzy says:

    1stly Congrates on d 1yr anniversary….nd for me d tin. I likebout ur blog is d originality. Timing nd relevance of the content(s)…nd as 4 d future….d sky is d start point….wif d right motivation nd staff ur blog in time can b more as popular as Lindaikeji's blog. Keep. Up d good work….modesty is our mantra

  6. nckan says:

    Who no like free gift? I want the shirt mbok. The blog is sharp, filled with so much content short posts. In the possible future, I will like to see abstract literature and also the simple posts that keeps you smiling. Dang! I wrote too much.

  7. First and foremost I like the simplicity of your blog. Addressing third world teen problems with dramatic yet encouraging fashion. I'd like to see more vulgar topics (not language wise) like sex and relationships, personal stories and experiences and how you managed them. Also I'd like to see more social topics like the fashion thing you already have going on and foood! Don't forget food.
    Secondly I'd like the gift edakun. Not bcos I'm adorable and you love me and it'll look good on me bit bcos I'm adorable and you love me and it'll lool good on me…

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment – I've chosen you as a winner! Pls inbox me your details ASAP to:

  8. Mary Idowu says:

    I like this blog because when I go to the hair section I can do different hair styles and this blog helps me through everyday life it helps me with my spiritual and physical life not only does it help me to be closer to God it helps me like how to start a new beginning. This blog is filled with inspiring things it has even inspired me to start my own blog (if I could) the "I just want to be your friend" has helped me understood who I should follow on instagram and add on snapchat. God bless you


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