I’ve been so busy I actually almost forgot today’s our anniversary. This must be what it feels like when parents forget their children’s birthday
I am awed. Six years of experience-sharing and story telling. Funny thing is, when things were going really, really south earlier this year due to the lockdown, there was a time when being a blogger was all I was and you know what? I was proud of it. This blog has taken years of work to be what it is today. Things like getting visitors everyday may seem small to some people, but to me it’s a big deal. It means my content is still relatable and useful for people – everyday. That’s mind blowing.
As I said I’m super super busy and soon enough I will hope to share the testimony behind my lack of time, but till then, I just want to wrap up this post by saying thank you to everyone that visits my corner of the internet! Thank you for your comments, for shares and likes, you all make it worth the while.
Have a blessed September! ❤️❤️
Dr. ETP xo