The year’s rounding up and I can gladly say I’m happy to be on to the next! Let’s get into this post shall we?
Funny thing about praying for greatness is that you don’t actively remember that greatness comes with trials and tribulations. All you have in mind whilst saying that prayer is success and achieved goals.
Every success story has elements of failure in it. No matter how minute. It could be as tiny as missing the bus one morning or as huge as missing out on a life changing opportunity – whatever it is – it’s part of the success story. You have to learn to embrace the pain and let it mould you into your final masterpiece.
Also, you’ve got to know who’s on your side; who’s got a paddle helping your boat to success move faster and who’s the one putting down an anchor. It’s not your fault if the wrong kind of people come – success attracts anyone that likes good things – but you have to actively sieve out the shaft from the wheat.
Not everyone will support you. Not everyone wants to see you do good. So firstly you have to believe in YOU. You have to have faith that you can make it in whatever you set your mind upon. Yes supportive friends are fantastic but they can’t support something you don’t even believe in fully yourself. And yes, you will have doubts some days, but that doesn’t mean throw all the plans out of the window, this is when your self-belief is most needed.
Take these words into 2016 with you along with trust in God, and watch miracles unravel.
I know this post is getting long but I ABSOLUTELY HAVE to appreciate everyone that reads, comments and shares my blog! You guys are a big reason why I continue writing week in and out and so I’m extremely grateful – I won’t forget my founding supporters as ETP grows! Even when we added two extra brilliant writers – Gloria and BoomBox Hero – you guys read their stuff as well as mine and so I’m super chuffed! I pray people will support you in all your endeavors as you enter this new year in Jesus Name – Amen!
Happy New Year my loves!
ETP xo