Whether it’s a bed or a lawn,
I want to lie beside you with my earpiece in my ears,
Leaning on your chest with a backdrop of good music,
Sounds cheesy but it’s what I want with you
Whether it’s a room or a hall,
I want to place my hand in yours,
Feeling your pulse thumping only for me,
Sounds cheesy but it’s what I want with you
Whether it’s an inch or a thousand miles,
I want to miss you with all the breath left in me,
Wishing you’d come back and fill the hole you’ve punctured in my lungs
Sounds cheesy but it’s what I want with you
Whether it’s a baby or two,
I want to adore them cause they’re from you,
Teaching them to love the Lord the way we both do,
Sounds cheesy but it’s what I want with you.
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