Hello guys, my name is Gloria and this is for butterflies! Yaaaaayyyyy!!! Lol, I wish I could send a voice note of me shouting, my gosh! How I’ve missed this column, how I’ve missed you guys. Wow! It’…
Mirroring Lives
Hiya guys, Monday is here again, did I tell you guys that this writing thing is a gift all the women in my family have? The ones who do not write have a gift of weaving and spinning stories, it’s why …
ETP 2.0
Hello everyone, it another Monday, a special one as ETPblog clocks 2 …yay. I’d like to congratulate Lizzy Peters on the second anniversary of this blog, also to everyone from the tech guy to the…
Beneath my beautiful
Hello guys, I noticed that as of late I’ve been writing my thoughts on different issues that I’m confident about, so I’m just gonna switch it up a little today, I’m going to write on something that I’…
There lived a girl
Hello good people, it’s another Monday for butterflies. Mondays usually are depressing for me being the start of the week and all (I know I’m lazy, don’t judge me) but this feature g…
You matter
Welcome to our weekly episodes of the “for butterflies” series, my name is Gloria and I hope last week was good for you. I made a submission on thenakedconvos about three weeks ago and it got publishe…
Shakespeare’s greatest dilemma
You wouldn’t believe what happened to me the other day, so my roommate wrote her final exams to become a doctor and then she left, you know how much I love solitude (well if you didn’t before, now you…
Flaws that floor
Hi, my name is Gloria and this is For Butterflies, so the new thing this week is Adekunle Gold’s new album – Gold. Ridiculous though the price may seem, the songs are not half bad, as a matter o…
Work in Progress
Hey there, Miss me? Even I missed me, I can’t even begin to tell you how tough these past few weeks have been for me, mostly because of school work, you know how something wears you down so hard that …
Forgive me father for I have sinned (confessions)
Hello, hello, hello, it’s Monday again and of course time for butterflies to spread their colourful wings and fly. Before I start, let me tell you what I did this week, I cooked “Efo Soko”, I have…