
Featured Writer: Temptation by Emeka

Comments (3)
  1. Raymond says:

    Dear Emeka,

    I hope you are well…

    Having read through your article, may I suggest certain convictions contrary to assertions above.

    Remembering your definition of temptation and the famous prayer line- “lead us not into temptation”, temptation is NO VIRTURE, is NOT NEUTRAL, supplies no need & can be overcome.

    It may arise outside of us (see Joseph’s/Jesus’s story Christian Bible) or based on conceived desire(s) example- doping in athletics/cheating in an exam/Eve & the serpent. In any case it seeks to erode the principle of right and is not in any way neutral. Is anything wrong with it, I bet you, a whole lot.

    What then do you do, Flee/Run/Abolish the thought of it. Peradventure you fall, rise again, live with the consequence(s) and become better for it.

    Thank you.

    Best Wishes,


  2. Emeka says:

    Hello Raymond,
    Thanks for your wonderful opinion.

    I understand that “Temptation” is a controversial phenomenon, that is why it has attracted plethora of opinions and perceptions from different people.

    However, I’ll agree with you that Temptation is “no virtue” and that is why it is a “neutral” energy that is not beyond our control or avoidance.

    It is our insatiable needs that make us vulnerable to temptation. From the biblical inference you made; Jesus/Joseph, if you take a critical look at it you’ll find out that they didn’t have the desire/need for what they were tempted of. And that helped them overcome it, even though the pressure was intense.

    We have temptations living everywhere among us! Its influence or effect on anyone is totally dependent on that person’s needs/desire.

    Thank you!

  3. Raymond says:

    Hi Emeka,

    Grateful you had a look at my response.

    I am sorry, I only just read your response.
    Do you think a man who has fasted for 10 days let alone 40 days will be hungry or have a “desire/need” for bread/food?
    What is your conviction for stating that “looking” critically will reveal no “desire/need” for the object of temptation in the example cited?

    Overcoming a temptation is steeped in the fidelity to principle(s) and sustained by a commitment to the underlying inspiration(s) for such principle(s). Example, avoiding the temptation of appetite (for say plenty chocolates/high calorie diet) due to an intention to maintain a normal Body Mass Index (BMI) a principle advised by a desire to maintain a long term healthy state. You either indulge your appetite or commit to your goal.

    Wish you well.



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