382 Articles409 Comments


The Pointlessness of Beauty outside CHRIST: Besides the health risks, the pursuit of beauty at all cost, just to meet the demand of society and to woo a man, is an abomination to God. God expects you …

ETP Talks: Broken crayons still color

Cliche as ever title right? Well it’s because this piece is a little bit serious so it’s nice to set the mood with a little humor. As you should know by now, I’ve been married for a couple months and …

Introducing: Chidi Alexx

With over 10 thousand views on his YouTube channel and over 3 million streams and downloads on a song he wrote and performed with a group which featured Judikay; a fine blend of R&B and sweet gosp…

ETP Talks: Getting Married

So… I’m married guys. Nope, it’s not a prank. I’m being very real. I realize that I haven’t shared a peep about my relationship here, so this blogpost may be a whirlwind tour, fasten your seatbelts gu…

ETP Talks: Remorse or Mourning?

I’m going through SUCH A HARD TIME right now and it’s reflected in how I haven’t been writing here for several months. I’m in a lot of pain, turmoil and stress. My body has physically reacted to my in…