GENEROSITY:A Christian husband should be open-handed. This quality will enable him to respond promptly to the needs of his wife and entire family. Women don’t like men that are tight-fisted. They expe…
Black and Yellow!
Hey guys! Guess who’s got a fashion post for you? You’re already here so you know the answer to that haha. This week I decided to show you guys a more laid back style that I would suggest …
Tough times don’t last, tough people do.
Here I am again telling you guys about a tough time I’ve had to go through, I mean it was less than a month ago that some people connived to ensure I missed out on an opportunity and here I am again i…
ETP Takes: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia!
As I said, in the previous post – all work and no play isn’t my style so I made sure I had fun on Sunday 21st January – my birthday! The day started with prayers to thank God for the aweso…
ETP Takes: 31st GIMAC Pre-Summit Consultative Meeting on Gender Mainstreaming in the African Union, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia!
Hello everyone! You’re warmly welcome to another #ETPTakes post – let’s get right into it! So what took me to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia? The 31st Gender Is My Agenda Campaign (GIMAC) Pre-Summit Consultati…
ETP Talks: When your enemy seems to be winning.
The realization that when you’re star shines, not everyone will be happy to see the light it emits, is difficult, especially when you are always happy to see others succeed, so such emotions are alien…
She Didn’t Even Say Sorry
Hey people! So a friend of mine and I were having an amazing bible study experience that went into the wee hours of the day – yes it was that good. One thing we focused on that sort of blew my m…
ETP Talks: Natural Hair.
Hey everyone deep post alert – let’s get started. Since I was 13, I stopped relaxing my hair. I had just moved back to London to continue secondary school and my sister had this dream that raptu…
ETP Takes: Doha, Qatar!
Hey everyone I’m super excited to write this travel post as it’s the very first time I’ve visited a country in the Asian continent! Qatar is bordered only by Saudi Arabia and has the highest GDP per c…
What a Christian Woman should look for in a Man.
This topic has crossed my mind and I once even put it in my blog post schedule, but I just kept postponing it because I’ve been worried about what people would say. Yes, I also worry about what people…