Hey everyone! This week, the Nigerian Medical Students Association will have her National elections, the host association will be Gombe State University Medical Students Association. Having said this,…
What’s it really like being a Nigerian medical student?
Hey people! In my last post, I spoke a little about being a medical student in Nigeria, so it’s sparked up this post. I’ve been schooling here in Nigeria for just over 5 years, and it has …
What’s the big deal about NCDs?
Diabetes. Hypertension. Obesity. Cancer. What do all these states have in common? They are all known as non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and together account for over 63% of deaths worldwide; with a l…
ETP Takes: Abuja!
Hi everyone! This post has been in the works since last week but sooooo much has happened so I decided to just save it for our regular Thursday rendezvous đŸ™‚ So last week I was in Abuja for the IFMSA S…
Babcock University Held the 1st NiMSA South West Convention of 2016
Hey everyone! Whenever I travel for Medical Conferences I feel the need to tell you all about the experiences – so here’s the latest! Wednesday 20th – Sunday 24th April 2016 saw Babc…
Violence Against Women Day, Nov 25th
The shrill screams of a woman echoes down Johnson Street…the family next door pays it no attention; it had practically become routine. When they initially moved onto the street, they used to run next …
39th NiMSA General Assembly at UNILAG 5th-7th Nov, 2015.
Hey everyone! Some of you may know that I’m interested in politics, most especially Medical Politics as I’m all for positive change in the health sector. So I was at UniLag last weekend fo…