First of all I have to thank each one of my readers for following the link to this post, especially those that have been keeping up with this issue from the beginning, it shows you have cared for the …
ETP Takes: TSL Conference & Awards 2018
Speaking to young people is something I love doing, especially when I get asked to speak from my own life experiences, there’s no need for rehearsals, the information flows freely, and so when Shanyi …
Sensitivity – Poem by Faith Obafemi
In everything, there is need for sensitivity I’m sure you think that’s religiosity But very soon you will realize the intensity Yeah… I love creativity Because I serve the Creator My numbe…
CONT: Grief of Child Neglect Continues: 11. Allowing him address and talk to you and Neighbors anyhow he chooses. 12. Always commending the child for his looks and not his character. 13. Being critica…
ETP Intoduces: MyTutorAfrica!
Hello, everyone and thank you for taking out time to read this. I’m glad to bring to the foreground this beautiful initiative – let me not talk to much – enjoy the post, Dr ETP xo Be…
ETP Talks: My home is under attack.
It has come to light now in my family’s immediate vicinity, that a group has sprung up like a weed from concrete. They claim that they are the “true owners” of the land upon which thousands have legit…
ETP Takes: Pre-Africa Regional Meeting, Harare, Zimbabwe
Hey hey everyone! Welcome back to ETP Blog, I’m glad to have you here! This week’s post is about the first of the two trainings I conducted in Harare, Zimbabwe last month as part of my duties as the I…
ETP Talks: My Medical School Experience
Saturday the 30th of June, 2018. The day I swore my oath into the noble profession of medical practice. It’s been a long time coming. I’m going to share a tip of the iceberg that is my medical school …
ETP Talks: How to get involved with International Organizations!
This is the post a whole lot of people have been waiting for and so I must first apologize for the delay; something medical school provided was a sort of regimen, I used to have an idea of where I’d b…
ETP takes: 71stWorld Health Assembly, Geneva, Switzerland!
Hi everyone! I hope you’re having a great week? It’s been almost a month since I’ve been back from Geneva but boy has it been hectic! So I want to tell you guys a little about my experience at the WHA…