Cover photo: Joyce P. Photography Hey darlings! I’m faced with a huge decision so I’ve decided to write about it: 1) as a form of release and 2) for posterity’s sake. So I’m going to share how I make …
ETP Talks: Natural Hair.
Hey everyone deep post alert – let’s get started. Since I was 13, I stopped relaxing my hair. I had just moved back to London to continue secondary school and my sister had this dream that raptu…
ETP’s very first Wash & Go!
Heyy beautiful readers! I made this huge discovery a last week – my hair can do wash and go’s!! For the longest time I always believed it was for people with 3C hair and my 4B/C fro just w…
The number of times that someone has said to me “You don’t look like you can cook” should actually offend me, but then I think, what does a girl that CAN cook look like? As a viral t…
Hair Regimen!
A lot of people have asked about my hair since I turned natural so I figured I should do a proper blog post about it and bust some myths! Transitioning: First things first, my hair was tough when I fi…
Natural hair = Nappy edges? NO!
As a natural hair enthusiast, whenever I see a BellaNaijaWeddings post showing a natural hair bride with nappy edges – I get rather annoyed. Having natural hair doesn’t rip you of your ent…
I get a lot of questions about my hair, both from people I know and from absolute strangers. “Isn’t it hard to maintain?” “How do you style it?” and my least favorite: “Can I touch it?” Haha. So let m…
Hello! Welcome to my blog! I’m glad you’re here. This isn’t going to be a long post, it is just an introductory message really. I don’t want to limit myself to one …