Who’s got the power?

Happy Sunday darlings! I hope you’re all having a brilliant weekend, today I woke up thinking about the fearful fixation on one’s enemies and constantly having to guard against the “evil eye” of peopl…

Changing goals

Hey loves, This week I presented my research at my university’s teaching and learning conference. It was my very first time speaking about my work in academia in a multidisciplinary setting and I was …

ETP Talks: Broken crayons still color

Cliche as ever title right? Well it’s because this piece is a little bit serious so it’s nice to set the mood with a little humor. As you should know by now, I’ve been married for a couple months and …

ETP Talks: Getting Married

So… I’m married guys. Nope, it’s not a prank. I’m being very real. I realize that I haven’t shared a peep about my relationship here, so this blogpost may be a whirlwind tour, fasten your seatbelts gu…

ETP Talks: Remorse or Mourning?

I’m going through SUCH A HARD TIME right now and it’s reflected in how I haven’t been writing here for several months. I’m in a lot of pain, turmoil and stress. My body has physically reacted to my in…


30 THINGS YOUR WIFE WISHES YOU KNEW:Continuation… 11. Wives love Husbands who protect them from the harassments of their in-laws. They want men who will show them love, by standing up for them when th…


30 THINGS YOUR WIFE WISHES YOU KNEW:You have probably heard women, may be your wife too, say to men, “You know nothing about women” Well, they are right. “What is the special or peculiar thing about w…