Looking for somebody skilled in capturing your beauty in breathtaking still images? Look no further – Joyce P Photography is exactly who you’re looking for! Her versatility cuts across different…
Joyce P Photography at the IMC Trade Fair 2017!
Hey everyone! Last weekend my sister made me super proud so she’s taking over the Feature Friday this week with her beautiful work! Every year, Bowen University has an IMC Trade Fair and this year she…
Gallery Post by Joyce P Photography
Hey everyone! This post is just a chance to share the brilliance that is my sister, Joyce Peters’, Photography! Have a look at her work! enjoy 🙂…
Life is a Picture by Joyce Peters
Why can’t life be as simple as a picture?What you see is what you get The moment captured is the moment you remember Where the problems don’t come just yet Where the smil…
The Female.
As I walk further down the street I notice another daughter of Eve Looking ever so appealing Nice figure, long hair And lips perfect for sexual healing Law of attraction in action She looks at m…