Hello hello! I’m days away from the end of my surgery rotation and let me just confess that I am thoroughly exhausted. When people ask which is worse, pediatrics or surgery I always say pediatri…
Press For Progress
For a lot of my life, I spent it planning how to attain something that I hadn’t seen someone else do. Crazy right? From primary school I’ve known I wanted to study medicine, I’d see my dad come back f…
Why we should celebrate International Women’s Day.
International Women’s Day (IWD) is one of my absolute favorite UN declared celebratory days for many reasons. It is a day when women are recognized for their achievements without regard to divis…
Society Vs The Teenage Girl – By Isaac Peters
I don’t belong here My mind is far too liberal for the constraints of this conservative body The rows along my wrists birthed by blades Are my silent cry for help, The smile on my lips nev…