Cliche as ever title right? Well it’s because this piece is a little bit serious so it’s nice to set the mood with a little humor. As you should know by now, I’ve been married for a couple months and …
ETP talks: travailing the storm
2021 was a good year for me. It had triumphs and a fair share of tears, but I’m one to always tally the year into “good” because – I’m still here. Where there’s life, there’s hope. The last coup…
The Ideal Husband: July 2021
Reasons For Understanding Your Wife: Aside from the fact that the Scripture commands you to love your wife and live with her as Christ loves the Church, the other reason why you should seek to underst…
ETP Talks: Contentment
Peace is the baseline emotion I feel right now. Peace. According to the UN definition – peace is not merely the absence of war. So when I say I feel peace it’s not simply in comparison to when I…
By Dr. Temitope Okuwoga The Easter celebration, for me, is the greatest celebration in Christianity. A lot of us know that Jesus was birthed into the world only to die and be resurrected to save us fr…
There is a time.
It’s a beautiful day, this particular Monday. Why, you ask? It’s because this daughter of the Most High and evidence of His undeserved grace was gifted to mother earth on this day some twe…
For Dummies: How to Chain an Elephant
Hi everyone, Oops, it’s Monday again! I know that feeling, tell your lazy self you have five active days to be active, so be active. My name is Gloria, because I glow with pride, and I write thi…
Stigma: The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
Hello everyone, it’s a good day to be alive. I want to talk about something that’s very important but undervalued in this area of the world, this is because it is, like many other things, …
Getting past inertia; when push comes to shove.
Hello everyone, This belatedly is Mondays are for butterflies, have you ever made some decisions without paying them a second thought and have them come biting you in the posterior with ripple effect?…
Schoolgirl Crush
The ting go skrrrrra, pa pa ka ka ka, that video makes me laugh every single time I watch it and I’m not ashamed to say it’s more than five times. it’s a Monday again, I’m sorr…