Happy New Year Dearly Beloved, All Glory be to God Almighty, we made it into 2021 ! A thunderous HALLELUYAH!!!To God Almighty! Through the love of God our Saviour we weathered the storms of 2020. And …
Can we talk about 2020?
Happy New Year lovelies, 2020 was a rollercoaster my people. From entering the year with big hopes as per “new decade, new challenges” to being faced with those new challenges that didn’t feel as joll…
ETP Talks: Family Appreciation
My family is super dear to me. My parents and siblings, they’ve always been there for me. I love that we don’t have enmity or anything of the sort between us; this love is genuine. Yes, sometimes we g…
ETP‘s Kitchen: Jamaican Oxtail Stew x Rice & Peas
Hey hey, we have another recipe post! I know it’s been a little while since my last one, but I’m back so let’s get into it! First of all, every recipe I saw on YouTube had excessively long preparation…
ETP named Champion for the #MalariaMustDie Campaign!
Hey lovelies! I had the absolute pleasure of featuring in Malaria No More UK’s international campaign: #MalariaMustDie alongside the celebrity ambassador David Beckham, and many other notable individu…
Featured post: THE MANUAL
Hello Everyone, This piece has been so strong in my spirit for a long time. Simply, a manual is a book giving instructions or information. A typical scenario, I was handed a new phone&n…
ETP Talks: #ENDSARS part 2
We’ve been protesting for just over a week now, and what a time it has been. This week has seen the transformation of the face of Nigeria as we know it. We are probing everything and everybody. We’re …
I remember when Nigerian Twitter got #SARS disbanded a few months ago and we all rejoiced – only for them to regroup and come back even harder – I mean a woman was shot in the mouth recent…
The Ideal Husband: October 2020
Continued from September’s article : PRAYERFULNESS: The Bible calls men to be the head of the family and to love their wives as Christ loves the Church. This means providing spiritual leadership for t…
ETP Talks: Using your Words
My darlings. I’m going to open this post with gratitude; so many of my friends and family speedily came to my aid a few days ago when I had a mini-meltdown on social media. Very off brand for me, I kn…