Heyyyy ! Today I got a much needed chance to blow off some steam and I grabbed it with both hands! This week was intense for me, filled with lots of high emotions, so taking time off was definitely ne…
Nigerian University Students Contribute Their Feeding Allowances to Provide Education For Indigent Children
All over the world, education has proven to be the driving force in achieving national development. From time immemorial, great empires and kingdoms have been hinged on a colony of educated people who…
ETP HO Diaries #1: Don’t Join Them
Today, I was emotionally challenged. Living in Lagos in itself is strenuous, so people tend to already be on edge from the word go. Storytime? Let’s go! It’s 7.50am and I’m 6 minutes from work. My dri…
ETP Cooks: Vegetarian Efo Riro
Hey guys! So one day my mom declared that she’s now a vegan (person that eats only plant based meals, no meat or fish or even meat products like milk or eggs) so I was like, maybe I could try being a …
Ire-Akari Estate Landgrabbing issue – Update!
First of all I have to thank each one of my readers for following the link to this post, especially those that have been keeping up with this issue from the beginning, it shows you have cared for the …
Sensitivity – Poem by Faith Obafemi
In everything, there is need for sensitivity I’m sure you think that’s religiosity But very soon you will realize the intensity Yeah… I love creativity Because I serve the Creator My numbe…
ETP Intoduces: MyTutorAfrica!
Hello, everyone and thank you for taking out time to read this. I’m glad to bring to the foreground this beautiful initiative – let me not talk to much – enjoy the post, Dr ETP xo Be…
Sequel to my post last week on my home being under attack, here’s a post written by my mom highlighting what Oyo state government stands to lose by continuing to turn a blind eye on the evil occ…
ETP Takes: Geneva, Switzerland!
Travel posts can easily get swallowed up by the conference that takes yours truly out of her home but not this time! I tried my best to get a feel of Geneva whilst I was there – so here are some of th…
ETP Talks: How to get involved with International Organizations!
This is the post a whole lot of people have been waiting for and so I must first apologize for the delay; something medical school provided was a sort of regimen, I used to have an idea of where I’d b…