Hey loves! How’s the lockdown going in your part of the world? It’s interesting how we just adapt to change that we can’t escape isn’t it? You just have to find a way to make peace with the new realit…
ETP Talks: How I learnt about Sex
Growing up, sex education (sex Ed) in primary schools in the UK hadn’t quite started whilst I was in that age group, so my first experience of sex Ed was in secondary school. However my first secondar…
#FeatureFridays: WAITING SEASON PART 1
Hey guys!!! I will start with this note, the waiting season is a beautiful season *smiles*. Waiting on God is more like trusting in God, amidst being busy with other things till you finally get what y…
ETP HO Diaries: Sexual Harassment
For reasons that would be obvious to anyone that has experienced this, this post is being written long after the occurrence(s). That’s something about sexual harassment that I really detest, the in-bu…
By Dr. Temitope Okuwoga The Easter celebration, for me, is the greatest celebration in Christianity. A lot of us know that Jesus was birthed into the world only to die and be resurrected to save us fr…
Cultural And Societal Myths: The society and family are inseparable; one gives birth to the other. Therefore, to a large extent, the norms in a particular society affects the organisation and ru…
ETP Talks: HouseJob Hard Times – how I coped.
I wore my scrubs for the first time in ages to make a video for a social media challenge so it got me reminiscing on my time as a house Officer lol. If you read any of my work-related posts from when …
ETP Talks: First Weekend in Self-Isolation
As the world all over knows, Coronavirus has come and interrupted life as we know it. A disease that is contagious and deadly and currently has no definite cure or vaccine. Here in the UK, we’ve been …
“The Perfect Man” Myth continues: Homemaker-:They also say that their dream husband must be smart, intelligent, funny, romantic, selfless, faithful, and understanding. Their idea of “the Perfect Man” …
ETP Talks: Friendship Appreciation
Hey everyone! Sometimes I look at the people around me and just think, wow. How did I get so lucky? But then I have a reminder that God put them there and I say a quick thank you because, these people…