Hello everyone, This belatedly is Mondays are for butterflies, have you ever made some decisions without paying them a second thought and have them come biting you in the posterior with ripple effect?…
Let’s talk peace.
Peace is one of those simple things in life that most do not care to really understand because, well, it is a word so often used, and dare I say, so often misused. It’s like the basic rules guid…
Schoolgirl Crush
The ting go skrrrrra, pa pa ka ka ka, that video makes me laugh every single time I watch it and I’m not ashamed to say it’s more than five times. it’s a Monday again, I’m sorr…
ETPBlog’s 3rd Anniversary Giveaway!
As promised – the #ETPBlog ‘s 3rd year anniversary giveaway is here! This time we have 3 prizes up for grabs!! 1. A beautiful @p.stitches Ankara infused skirt with a Boohoo ribbed top (bot…
Why I decided to start writing again.
Ecclesiastes 3 teaches about how God has made a time for all of man’s purposes, it’s a beautiful chapter in its entirety, however there’s a verse that speaks of where I’m at no…
ETP is Three!
T H R E E Whole years! I’m dazed you know. There have been new posts on this blog every week for three years. Columnists have come and gone, but this blog has stayed up and active nonetheless, w…
AREAS OF PROBLEMS: Having seen what a husband and wife should know, I will like to mention some problems which threaten marriages and wreck homes 🏡. Some of such problems are: 1. I…
Thoughts of a caterpillar; girl in the process of metamorphosis.
Tonight I woke up and I just could not go back to sleep, this happens more often than not these days… it’s like the thoughts swirling around in my subconscious simmers to a boiling point w…
What’s the big deal about NCDs?
Diabetes. Hypertension. Obesity. Cancer. What do all these states have in common? They are all known as non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and together account for over 63% of deaths worldwide; with a l…
Faced with hurdles?
Hey, it’s Thursday again, I almost had writer’s block, would you believe it? I’m a couple weeks away from celebrating this blog’s 3rd year anniversary and I’m overwhelmed…