Deep Sigh. Unwanted fame came my way this weekend and I just want to clear the air a little. Unfortunately, my place in the doctors quarters got burgled on Friday, whilst I was out. I was totally shak…
ETP Talks: What It Means To Know Yourself
Hey lovelies! My coworkers regularly call me the “Minister of Enjoyment” because of how I balance my social life with my work life and I’m going to give a bit of insight to the method in which I am ab…
ETP Talks: Being Goal-Oriented
Hey darlings! I’m writing this on my way to a spa day treat, and goodness am I in need of a fabulous massage – doing CPR is a very demanding exercise, it takes all your energy really really quic…
ETP Talks: My home is under attack.
It has come to light now in my family’s immediate vicinity, that a group has sprung up like a weed from concrete. They claim that they are the “true owners” of the land upon which thousands have legit…
ETP Talks: Natural Hair.
Hey everyone deep post alert – let’s get started. Since I was 13, I stopped relaxing my hair. I had just moved back to London to continue secondary school and my sister had this dream that raptu…