Cliche as ever title right? Well it’s because this piece is a little bit serious so it’s nice to set the mood with a little humor. As you should know by now, I’ve been married for a couple months and …
ETP Talks: Remorse or Mourning?
I’m going through SUCH A HARD TIME right now and it’s reflected in how I haven’t been writing here for several months. I’m in a lot of pain, turmoil and stress. My body has physically reacted to my in…
30 THINGS YOUR WIFE WISHES YOU KNEW:Continuation… 11. Wives love Husbands who protect them from the harassments of their in-laws. They want men who will show them love, by standing up for them when th…
ETP Talks: Miracles on Miracles
Let me just confess that I have periods where my faith is at an all time low and I try to do things in my own strength. In my mind, finding the balance between faith and works becomes really difficult…
ETP talks: travailing the storm
2021 was a good year for me. It had triumphs and a fair share of tears, but I’m one to always tally the year into “good” because – I’m still here. Where there’s life, there’s hope. The last coup…
ETP Talks: A new type of Happiness
At a point in my life, I battled depression. It was ugly, unexpected and I felt terribly bad about it because in my mind, I had no reason to be feeling the way I did. And feeling bad about it only exa…
The Ideal Husband: July 2021
Reasons For Understanding Your Wife: Aside from the fact that the Scripture commands you to love your wife and live with her as Christ loves the Church, the other reason why you should seek to underst…
ETP Talks: Contentment
Peace is the baseline emotion I feel right now. Peace. According to the UN definition – peace is not merely the absence of war. So when I say I feel peace it’s not simply in comparison to when I…
The Ideal Husband: July 2020
DISTINGUISHING QUALITIES OF AN IDEAL CHRISTIAN HUSBAND: “For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church i…
By Dr. Temitope Okuwoga The Easter celebration, for me, is the greatest celebration in Christianity. A lot of us know that Jesus was birthed into the world only to die and be resurrected to save us fr…